Community, Industry,

Rental property owners are entitled to create their own pet policies, but what happens when a 

tenant comes to you requesting that you change your policy to accommodate their service 


Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of ambiguity regarding a landlord’s responsibility for 

accommodating service animals on their rental property. In order to stay on top of this 

situation, landlords and property managers need to get educated on federal, state, and local 


Rather than face claims of discriminatory behavior, you will benefit from learning about the 

different types of assistance animals and what conditions make it possible for a tenant to 

require you rent to him and his animal. 

Simply put, you have to allow service animals in your rental property if the tenant or applicant 

qualifies for reasonable accommodation and if they have a verifiable need for an assistance 


Here are the basic guidelines for landlords and property managers, as outlined by The 

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in regards to service animals at rental 


  • Service animals are not considered pets, therefore a housing providers “pet policy” does not 

apply to service animals. 

  • Service animals are allowed wherever a person may go, including restricted animal areas like 

food establishments 

  • Landlords cannot collect a pet deposit or charge a pet fee to persons with a service animal 

(since they are not technically considered pets) 

  • Landlords cannot enforce weight limits or breed restrictions for service animals 
  • Landlords can require written verification from the tenant’s health care provider that they are 

disabled but cannot ask for any specifics about the disability 

  • Landlords can require written verification from the tenant’s health care provider that the 

service animal is medically necessary 

  • Landlords can write warnings or even evict a tenant with an assistance animal is disturbing 

others, posing a threat to others or causing considerable damage to the property. 

  • Landlords can charge a tenant for any property damage an assistance animal causes on the 


  • Landlords can request copies of the animal’s health records to prove the animal is in good 

health, parasite-free and immunized/vaccinated. 

Tenant requests for assistance animals are legally enforceable if the renter qualifies for 

reasonable accommodation. 

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provide further clarification on 

service animals and assistance animals to help housing providers understand their 

responsibility when it comes to reasonable accommodation. 


If a housing provider prohibits pets on the property, a tenant may request reasonable 

accommodations for an assistance animal to live there. Reasonable accommodation is 

when a tenant asks a landlord to change an existing rule or policy to have an equal 

opportunity to enjoy the unit and property. 

According to the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the American Disabilities Ac (ADA)t, a tenant 

may qualify for reasonable accommodations for disabilities if the following conditions are 


  1. Have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities 

(such as walking, seeing, working, cleaning, dressing, and so forth) 2. Have a history of such impairments 3. Be regarded as having such impairments 

The situation is complicated by the fact that a landlord is limited by the amount of information 

he can ask an applicant or tenant about any disabilities. Numerous laws have been enacted to 

protect the privacy of individuals with disabilities and to ensure they receive fair housing 


Lawmakers have created further protections of individuals with disabilities by clarifying that 

people with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations for any assistance animals, 

including emotional support animals. 

HUD gives further guidance to housing providers about how to go about determining the 

validity of reasonable accommodation for assistance animals. You can find a complete 

version of these rules here. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE ANIMALS 

Landlords may find themselves in situations where they need to provide reasonable 

accommodation for assistance animals. Typically, you will find yourself dealing with 2 types 

of assistance animals – service animals and companion animals. 


According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, a true service animal is a dog trained to 

provide assistance to the owner who has a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be 

directly related to the person’s disability. 

The ADA gives the following examples of a service animal: 

  1. A person with diabetes may have a dog that is trained to alert him when his blood sugar is low. 2. A person with depression may have a dog that is trained to remind her to take her medication. 3. A person who has epilepsy may have a dog that is trained to detect the onset of a seizure and 

then help the person remain safe during the seizure. 

The key factor that differentiates a service animal over a pet is training and certification. 

Service animals are carefully trained by experts to do their tasks and are subsequently 

licensed. A service animal’s owner will possess identification papers and the animal will 

usually wear identification collar or harness (but not always). Service animals are generally 

well trained, well behaved, and cause minimal damage. 


Companion animals, emotional support animals (ESA), therapy animals are terms used to 

describe animals that provide comfort just by being with a person. Studies have shown that 

people disabled with conditions like anxiety, depression, autism or post-traumatic stress can 

alleviate symptoms with an emotional support animal. Companion animals do not need to go 

through special training and an individual can qualify for an emotional support animal with a 

doctor’s approval. 

Because companion animals or ESA have not been trained to perform a specific task or job, 

they do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. The ADA does not give individuals 

with companion animals the same opportunities as service animals to bring the animal with 

them to public places where pets are prohibited. 


Although the ADA treats companion animals differently than service animals, the Federal Fair 

Housing laws treat them similarly. Companion animals do qualify for reasonable 

accommodations under the Fair Housing Act and enforced by HUD

If the conditions outlined above are met, where an individual has a verified need for an 

assistance animal or a companion animal, the landlord or property manager must provide a 

reasonable accommodation and allow the animal on the property. 

In some states, a companion animal is only allowed in the rental unit and not in community 

spaces of the property, like the pool area or recreation room. 

As always, the rules vary by state and you should find an attorney to help you 

understand your state’s specific laws regarding your responsibilities and rights for 

providing reasonable accommodation to assistance animals.